Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ways the Earthmoving Industry can Benefit from the Use of Dome Shelter

A dome shelter in Australia is an excellent piece of equipment to have if you work in the earthmoving industry. These shelters help to keep equipment, goods and personnel safe and dry as earthmoving work is underway. Below, you will find a quick guide to some of the hot topics affecting this industry. As you can see technological advancements and an emphasis on being proactive with initial blasts is top of the agenda for many people in the earthmoving industry.
 A move to more proactive blasting techniques
 More and more mining companies, particularly in South Africa but also in other countries such as Australia, are shifting towards a more proactive approach with their blasting technology. In particular, a bold initial blast is currently being favoured as the technique of choice.

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Monday, December 26, 2016

3 Great Reasons to Consider Container Shelters For Your Next Worksite

When planning a new project, providing your workers with adequate shelter from the elements is important. Not only do worksite shelters protect your employees from harsh weather, but they can also help boost productivity and save you money. Below are three great reasons to consider using container dome shelters for your next worksite.
 They're Versatile
 A container shed can be used for a wide variety of applications on a worksite. Whether you need shelter for storage, maintenance, or even a workshop, container dome shelters have you—and your team—covered. The steel-framed, fabric-covered sheds can be easily installed on any surface, from dirt to a concrete slab.

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Friday, December 23, 2016

Smart and Savvy Shelters: Living and Working Under a Container Dome

Industrial operations, farming and food processing, mining and a few other initiatives usually require a large number of people to work outdoors, in a location far removed from populated areas, mainly due to the scale or type of operations. Lack of proper infrastructure to house regular staff or seasonal hires is a prime concern in such cases, especially when companies require employees to be present on site permanently or until specific tasks are completed.
 Similarly, there is a lack of desk space, office setup, and workshops for supervisory and record-keeping personnel. A container dome or shade dome come in quite handy to address these concerns.

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Various Advantages of Container Domes for the Shipping Industry

Shipyard workers and other maritime workers spend plenty of time out in the elements. Both they and their equipment need to be kept safe and dry no matter what the weather is like. A simple solution in this context is using container domes to safeguard both equipment and personnel in the shipping industry. Below, you will be able to find out all about the key advantages of using shipping site shelter solutions.
 Portability and relocatability
 By its very nature, the shipping industry involves personnel, boats and goods moving from one shore to another. Fortunately, container domes are very easy to disassemble, store, transport and reassemble wherever they are needed.

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