Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Ever-Reliable Container Dome: Contributions to Key Industries

Key industries in Australia, such as the metal and mining industry, as well as the industrial and material sector, are slowly realizing the numerous advantages of container domes. These rapid-install structures create secure spaces for storage, on-site offices, as well as workshops and housing for employees, at a fraction of the cost of erecting a building.
How else can Australian businesses harness the benefits of shade dome installation on their work sites? By knowing some basics about the structures and their practical applications, owners can make better decisions that can streamline operations. Read more on this article:

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Container Domes Offer Convenience and Help to Address Rural Issues

As a primary industry in Australia, agriculture employs hundreds of thousands of people. Beef and dairy as well as fruits and vegetables are top products in the region. To keep up with the challenges in the agricultural sector, farmers are looking at cost-effective alternatives for storing and protecting their products, as well securing their investments. This is where container domes come in.
Not only are these shelters easy to set-up, but they are also tough and certainly built to last. Because of the solution-oriented approach offered by container domes, it isn’t any wonder why more businesses in the rural or agricultural sector and leveling up and installing them on their worksites. Read more on this article:

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dome Shelters and Other Ways to Protect Livestock from Heat Sickness

It is no secret that Australia is one of the biggest exporters of beef in the world. According to experts, Australia exported 2.2 million tonnes of beef, exporting 67 per cent of it to other countries. Considering how important beef is to Australia, it is only right that those in the beef industry do their part to protect their livestock from heatwaves, especially as numerous states reaching record-breaking temperatures of over 40°C.
Heat stress in cattle can have numerous negative side effects, including slower weight gain and male reproductive failure. As such, it is imperative for cattle farmers to install dome shelters on their land to give their livestock an escape from the heat.
Of course, it isn’t enough to simply place a dome shelter on your property and hope for the best. With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your new dome shelter. Read more from this blog:

Friday, March 10, 2017

Container Shed Supplier Shares Best Environmental Practices for Mines

The environment may not be a primary concern among mining workers, but the reality is that wherever people are, local ecosystems are directly affected. And this is no less what happens in mining locations across Australia. Due to the processes inherent in mining, there is a high likelihood of producing significant environmental damage, starting with exhausts from equipment, unused raw materials, destruction of vegetation etc., all of which can do serious harm to the environment.
The focus on sustainability in mining operations stems from concerns regarding the path of human development and its impact on the environment. As the demand for extracted natural resources grows with each passing day, mining companies need to actively promote sustainability within their organisations. To help you make a positive impact in your workplace, and consequently, the environment, here are some top tips recommended by your eco-friendly container shelter supplier. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Container Domes: 4 Different Applications for Safer Construction Sites

Robust container domes are often used in construction sites that are less hospitable compared to urban sites. Thanks to their unique and versatile design, container domes are often used as storage areas for materials and equipment. However, enterprising minds in the construction industry can easily use container domes in other ways to help promote the safety of their sites. Some applications you may wish to try include:
Protection from Heavy Storms
Heavy rain and other inclement weather conditions can pose a major risk for your workforce, especially if your site is located in a rural area. The best container domes are made with the highest quality materials and built to meet international standards. Similarly, the best container domes are engineered for the specific wind region your site is in, allowing it to withstand even the most severe tropical cyclones. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Container Domes Supplier Shares 5 Ways to Enhance Workplace Safety

Safety is important to a well-functioning workplace environment—everyone needs to be vigilant about safety all the time. Unfortunately, it can be easy to relax on safety measures, especially if accidents haven’t happened for a long time. Yet many companies discover the hard way that even a single serious injury can be enough to cause dire financial peril. With that in mind, your friendly container domes supplier shares with you five ways that you can use to uphold better safety in the workplace.
Hire competently
Some employers may be tempted to make quick hires when production capacity can’t match sales. However, hiring incompetent workers pose a lot of risks. These people have a bigger chance of getting injured due to lack of training and experience, which can spell disaster given the opportunity. Competent workers can mean fewer accidents on the job.
Train your staff
Even an experienced and skilled worker needs training to meet the expectations of the job. If your company practices certain techniques that make the job safer, new workers must learn them. Likewise, constant training is necessary to instill a safety-conscious culture. Read more from this blog:

Friday, March 3, 2017

Custom Dome Shelter: Take Inspiration from Popular Survival Shelters

Man’s needs have grown quite complex since the primitive age when food were mostly hunted in the wilderness and shelter could be as simple as a spacious cave. Today, shelter–one of man’s basic needs–isn’t just four walls and a roof over one’s head. The term “shelter” has branched out to various types that are based on their purpose, function, and design. A dome shelter is one good example of such a variation.

The Versatility of Dome Shelters

Dome shelters are generally considered as cost-effective housing solutions to provide protection and shade for any site requirements. They can be designed to serve a range of purposes from industrial, commercial, to residential settings. A high-quality and versatile dome shelter and other similar structures, such as the ones made by established companies like Container Domes Australia, are tough, easy to install, relocatable, and can be customised depending on customer needs. Read more from this blog

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Container Shelters and Other Measures for Employee Sun Protection

Excessive sun exposure is the primary cause of skin cancer. This means that industrial laborers who work for prolonged periods under the sun are at high risk for the disease. Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world, so workplace managers must never neglect this particular aspect of their job and ensure that their workers are adequately protected from overexposure. Follow these guidelines for outdoor workers to help them keep safe under the sun.

Reorganise job hours

To ensure better comfort, you can reorganise your job tasks so your workers are able to complete the necessary work hours before the sun can deal its damage. The hours of greatest sun intensity are those between 10 am and 4 pm, so try to get the work done before or after these hours. If this is impossible, then you may want to consider the protective measures below. Read more from this blog

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Container Dome Storage and More: Taking Care of Tools the Right Way

The last month of summer is coming up, and if you’re not yet preparing your tools and machinery for storage by now, you soon will be. So how did your equipment fare with last year’s storing methods? If you found them in bad shape in your shade dome and had to take significant steps to get them working again, you may want to introduce a few changes to your storage technique to ensure your
tools are up and running in no time at all.

Ensure they’re in good condition

Your first order of business is to check that your tools and equipment are in good repair before you put them away. Have any broken machinery repaired first, and replace any tool that can’t be fixed. Read more from this blog